
Zoom, the Pandemic, & the Death of Sacred Spaces

Mark Jedrzejczyk

Recently Assistant Principal of Instruction in the CLS Upper School, Mark Jedrzejczyk, wrote a thought-provoking article that was published in The Imaginative Conservative, an online journal for those who seek the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. 

Like a sunny spring morning that promises warmth but becomes a cold rainstorm, technology makes one promise but delivers another.  The pandemic has shown, for example, that Zoom can’t fulfill its promises of real human connection: no technology can replace actually being together. Why can’t technologies consistently deliver on their promises? Click HERE to read the full article.

In addition to working and teaching at CLS, Mark Jedrzejczyk was also named the 2019 Carthage College AUS Teacher of the Year and is a doctoral candidate at Southeastern University.