
In a world of uncertainty, safety must come first.

There has never been a time in which protection from violence, substance abuse, weapons, and bullying has been of greater importance. At Christian Life School we have a full-time security director who is a former Kenosha Police Officer. Prioritizing the need to protect students and investing significant resources is key to accomplishing this goal of safety at our school.

Best Practices for Building Safety

Video Surveillance Cameras

6 ft Fences and Gates

Shatter-Resistant Glass

Two-Way Radios

Locked Swipe Card Access to Building

Full-Time Armed Security Director


Jack Decker

Security Director

School Tours

Tours can be scheduled by calling (262) 694-3691.
Welcome Wednesdays are open house days and are offered throughout the school year.

ChristianLifeSchool Mascot

Parents are trusting schools to protect their children physically and emotionally. We believe It is our responsibility to be vigilant in these efforts by providing a comprehensive approach to safety. It is imperative to strive to provide excellence in both school safety and academics.

For other important factors in providing a quality school download the Top 20 Characteristics of Best Private Schools.