
Preschool Tips

Tips for Parents from a Preschool Teacher

Written by: Cinthya Bermudez

The preschool years are an essential time in a child’s life, as this will be the first time they experience the world on their own. They will learn social skills, fine motor skills, and most importantly learn more about being independent. 

Preschool can also be overwhelming for some parents and intimidating for children. 

Being a mother of two boys who are currently in preschool, I had my doubts. But, I knew this would be a good opportunity for them to learn and experience life with other children their age.

I have taught for seven years as a preschool teacher and have gathered a few lessons throughout my time. Below are some tips that I have curated to help parents cultivate a better experience when transitioning their children to a preschool setting for the first time. 

Get to know your child’s new environment. Preschool can be overwhelming for you and your child. An excellent way to make this transition easy is to ask the school if they have tours available or some schools might have open houses.

This will be great not only for your child but for you as well. You’ll get to meet the teacher, the classroom your child will be spending most of their time in, and the school’s facilities. This will make such an easy transition for your child. 

Get to know your child’s teacher. The teacher will spend most of the time with your child, so you must get to know them and build a relationship. By doing this, it will give you peace of mind knowing that your child is going to be in great hands. 

Communication is key. Each parent has their way of educating their children, for they want the very best. Communicate with your teacher or administration about particular preferences that you have. If you have any concerns or doubts? Let your teacher know, they are here to help. 

Remember: there’s no limit to the number of questions or concerns you may have. We understand your point of view, and we know you want the best for your child. 

It takes a village to raise a preschooler. Raising a preschooler has its challenges. Preschoolers are dealing with a lot of emotions that they don’t know how to communicate or express. They are learning every second, which translates with tantrums, talking back, and we all know the rest. We are on your side and willing to help. 

Share with your teacher what works at home when a challenging behavior happens. What are your methods at home? By coming together and working as a team we will help them succeed and understand these emotions. It will also bring consistency, which is essential too!

Trust the process.  Each preschooler learns at different levels and their own pace. Some grasp things fast, and for others, it takes time. If there’s something your child is struggling with, such as potty training or even writing their name, don’t worry! It will come to them. Trust the process.

What you can do is help and motivate them as much as you can. Communicate with your teacher if you have any questions or concerns. They will be able to guide you through it. 

Cinthya Bermudez is a K3 teacher at Kenosha Christian Life School and has been with the school for three years.

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