
COVID Safety Plan

It’s safe to say that navigating a world-wide pandemic is uncharted territory. Everyone is doing their best to make choices that not only consider the safety of the general population but also allow their day to day initiatives to continue thriving. That includes Christian Life School. 

Since March of this year, some tough decisions have had to be made to ensure the safety of our students and staff. From the (successful) transition to distance learning in the spring per the government mandate, to implementing measures to reopen in-person this fall, the leadership team has been hard at work coordinating these details. In the spirit of transparency, CLS has held town hall meetings, shared publicly the reopening plan, sent email communication to current and prospective families, and also implemented many changes within the building that are although ever-evolving, have been relatively smooth since the first day of school on August 31. 

CLS has looked at the different environments within the school and are implementing risk mitigation strategies based on whether an environment is a High-Risk Transmission Environment (HTE) or a Low-Risk Transmission Environment (LTE).

HTE’s will have more stringent procedures in place (masks, distancing, sanitization and disinfecting) while in LTE’s the procedures will be less strict.

Understanding that there are a wide array of opinions on virtual versus face to face instruction during this time, the following are some of the safety measures put in place at CLS. 


  • In Classrooms – Space out as much as possible and face students in the same direction.
  • In Chapel – Upper school is in the main auditorium to distance. Elementary will be able to distance in Journey Youth Auditorium.
  • In Hallways – Elementary- not necessary to distance.  Upper School – delayed times to minimize students in halls.
  • At Lunch – Distance for Elementary in the regular cafeteria.  Upper School divided between several areas to spread out.
  • Teachers – Keep your distance as much as possible.


  • In Class – Teachers wear a mask or face shield when in close proximity to students. Students are required to wear masks in the class throughout the day.  
  • In Hallways – Elementary not necessary for students passing to enrichment classes. Upper School is required for students during passing periods.  
  • Masks required for arrival, before and after school care, and dismissal.
  • HTE – Wear a mask.  LTE – The mask is optional.


  • Elementary will implement regular procedures for handwashing and hand sanitization (pump-in, pump-out, before snack, etc.).
  • Hand Sanitization stations throughout the school – students encouraged to wash hands.
  • Water fountains disabled with the exception of the fountains that have the bottle fill option – this will be enabled with the fountain locked out.
  • Surface Disinfecting throughout the day.  Elementary, a few times wiping down desks and door handles. Upper School, wipe down surfaces between classes (will need students to participate).


If you have symptoms, stay home (staff and students).  We are working on how we will make this work financially and in regards to the sick day policy, we currently have.  The Senate passed a new bill yesterday which has COVID funds for schools and we will see how that might apply to us.  If you are sick, or get a positive test, we ask you to stay home and we will make sure to work with you on the policy.  


An additional plan for procedures for a positive test can be downloaded HERE.

Watch below for a video message regarding the health and safety at Christian Life School from our Facilities Manager, Mark Stofferahn.