And the Survey Says…
In an effort to continuously improve and grow, Christian Life School (CLS) recently sent out a satisfaction survey to all parents with a request for honest feedback.

The survey included 36 questions with five categories: strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, and strongly disagree. Numerous questions were included within the following topics: service, spiritual support, academic support.
Head of School, Dr. Jeff Bogaczyk, had the following to say about the survey. “We just started this, but it’s something we want to do every year. Our goal is to be the premier Christian college- prep school in the state of Wisconsin and in order to do that, we need to hear from our community on what we do well and what we need to do better.”
While the responses to the survey were overwhelmingly positive and a great encouragement to how well CLS is serving their students and families, there were also some areas where constructive feedback is helping the school to grow and improve.
Highlights of the Survey
In the category of Overall Service, an impressive 96% agreed or strongly agreed that they appreciate the overall vision of CLS.

Some additional stats in this section included:
- 89% agree or strongly agree that CLS provides an environment that is emotionally safe
- 94% of parents believe that the school is physically safe for their student.
Additionally, a very encouraging statistic under Spiritual Support showed that 92% of parents feel that CLS has contributed to the spiritual growth of their student.
Bogaczyk went on to say that “I am extremely pleased with the feedback we’ve gotten about our school. We’ve made a deliberate effort to do a great job in serving our families in every way possible. To hear that 95% are satisfied with what we are doing is incredibly encouraging.”
If you are interested in learning more about Christian Life School, please contact the Admissions Department to set up a tour or speak directly to the Director of Admissions, Marcy Hyllberg by emailing or calling 262-694-3691.
Searching for the right school can be a lengthy process requiring careful research. Christian Life School has developed an eBook to help with the process. We’ve provided a resource that every parent can take with them and use to assess whether a particular school meets their standards. This bonus edition includes a section addressing COVID-19. Download for free HERE.