Virtual Admissions Center


In order to do our part for the wellbeing of our students, families, faculty, staff, alumni, Christian Life School is currently operating on an eLearning model.  Students have moved to our remote-learning classrooms and classes are not being held at our campus.

Our Admissions Office continues to operate and we are excited to still be accepting applications for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year.  We are also available to digitally connect with prospective families to ensure all of your questions are answered as you make important decisions about your child's education.

Alternatives to an On-Campus Visit

1)  Schedule a Phone Meeting with our CLS Admissions Director

We are here for you! Trying to decide if private education is the right decision for you? Have concerns about the unique circumstances in our world and how they can affect your child's education? Schedule a one-on-one phone call with Marcy Hyllberg, Admissions Director, and get your questions answered as you navigate the next steps. Call 262-694-3691 or email to set up a time that works best with your schedule.

2)  Schedule a Zoom Face-to-Face Meeting

There's something to be said about a face-to-face conversation. A Zoom call is the next best thing. Schedule a one-on-one meeting by clicking HERE.

3)  Take a Virtual Tour

Our building may be closed, but we've put together a video tour to take you through our building and picture for yourself what a typical day for a student looks like. Schedule a virtual tour by clicking HERE.

4)  Access "Education in a Box"

We are navigating unprecedented times. Now more than ever, it's important to help one another out. With not every school fully equipped to facilitate distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak, we want to be a resource.

Click HERE for full curriculum laid out each day for any student K4-6th grade. Each subject is clearly identified and easy for parents to guide their child in an effort to prevent them from falling behind during this final quarter of the school year. Content will be updated each week. It's literally "education in a box!" Enjoy.

5)  Download our Free Ebook

Searching for the right school can be a lengthy process requiring careful research. Christian Life School has developed an eBook to help with the process. We've provided a resource that every parent can take with them and use to assess whether a particular school meets their standards. Download the Top 20 Essential Characteristics of the Top Private Schools today!  Click HERE to access.

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We have been so impressed with how quickly CLS transitioned to online schooling. Absolutely perfect. A great big thank you!" -CLS Parent

Marcy Hyllberg

Admissions Director

Questions about CLS? Call (262)694-3691 or email admissions today!

Choosing a school is an important decision and we understand how hard it can be.
We’re here to help you out and want to make the process as easy as possible.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Marcy Hyllberg
Director of Admissions