Our elementary is kindergarten – 6th-grade. We nurture students' spirits as well as their minds; we train their bodies as well as their thoughts; our teachers educate our students in not only academics but in the way of the Lord.
We believe in the importance of building complete, well-rounded students.
We provide enrichment programs such as Spanish, Art, Computer, Music, Gym, and Library in addition to a challenging, Bible-based curriculum. Our curriculum provides students the opportunity to discover learning outside of the classroom walls.
Our kindergarten curriculum focuses on foundational skills. In reading, we use a phonics program to teach beginning readers the phonetic value of letters, letter combinations, and syllables. In mathematics, attention is given to recognizing, counting, and writing the numbers 1-100 in additional to basic counting and addition skills.
Kindergarten Curriculum Overview
Subject | Curriculum | Description |
Art | Students will learn about art elements like line, shape, texture, and color. Develop basic skills and techniques to create art like cutting, tearing, gluing, drawing and painting while learning how to care for art tools. Exposure to different artwork and introduction to why people make art. Exploration of the feeling or mood of artwork. | |
Bible | ACSI | Taught daily, beginning with the Old Testament and continuing through the New Testament. Weekly Bible memory assigned. A Bible workbook is used. |
Computer | Students will become familiar with different aspects of the computer with extensive use of fine motor skills, manipulating the mouse and keyboard. Classroom skills are reviewed. | |
Handwriting | Handwriting Without Tears | Children learn to print using hands-on materials and developmentally appropriate activities. Hands-on materials are used. |
Music | MacMillan | The rudiments of music will be presented through singing games, listening and other fun musical activities. |
Number Skills | At the end of the year students should be able to recognize, count, and write numbers 1-100, add math families 1 to 10; count by ones, fives, & tens and tell time by o’clock, 1/2 past, and 1/4 past. Ordinal numbers, patterning and coin values are introduced. Positional words, shapes, and measuring are also covered. | |
Phonics & Reading | Saxon/Wonders | Saxon is a systematic phonics program. Phonics teaches beginning readers the phonetic (or spoken) value of letters, letter combinations, and syllables. This program presents information incrementally (in small, easily understandable bits) and reviews them daily. New learning gradually builds upon old learning, and regular practice reinforces both. In Language, basic grammar and sentence structure/writing is introduced. Listening to and memorizing poetry, rhyming words, and storytime at the end of each day. |
Physical Education | Students will learn basic games such as Color Tag, Parachute, and Relay Races. Students will also participate in weekly exercises aimed at developing coordination and core strength. These activities will develop the student’s ability to play a variety of sports as they grow older. | |
Science/Health/Social Studies | Weekly Reader & Science Supplement | Aligns with the weekly unit studies |
Unit Studies | These are introduced weekly. They include seasonal, habitats, and holiday topics. Show-n-Tell is part of unit students along with projects. |
Our first-grade students develop the skills they learned in kindergarten. They learn to write grammatically correct sentences and stories and develop skills in addition of single and double-digit numbers. As they read, they continue their phonetic development by learning and applying the English languages special sounds.
First Grade Curriculum Overview
Subject | Curriculum | Description |
Art | Introduction to basic art elements. Lesson plans allow students to experiment with a variety of mediums while creating both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional projects. Classroom emphasis is on projects that are enjoyable as well as God honoring. | |
Bible | ACSI | This class requires a Bible memorization each week. The program begins with the study of Abraham and follows the life of Christ from childhood to the cross. We supplement the Bible curriculum with songs, missionary stories, and Bible trivia. |
Computer | Students learn typing; develop listening skills, open and closing programs and home row on the keyboard. | |
History | Bob Jones | This History class focuses on American heritage, freedoms, and government. History lessons also touch on geography with countries such as Mexico, Italy, and Israel. |
Language | Bob Jones | This class teaches the students how to write grammatically correct sentences and stories. Students will learn how to choose details from selected stories. |
Math | A Beka | This class focuses on the addition and subtraction of single and double-digit numbers. We will introduce fractions, times, measurement and graphing. Math concepts will be reinforced with manipulative and visual modes. The students will relate math concepts to the real world with short story problems and currency applications. |
Music | Macmillan | Music 1 is the introduction of the general music curriculum provided through the elementary school music program. Expanding on the fun of kindergarten music, the rudiments of music will be presented through singing games, listening, playing classroom percussion instruments and other fun musical activities. |
Phonics | Saxon | The phonics program teaches children the rules and special sounds of the English language. This will help the children to better sound things out while reading. The Bob Jones program uses phonics charts, games, worksheets, and testing to reinforce learning. |
Physical Education | The 1st graders play basic games to help develop abilities in sports play. Students will play: Duck, Duck, Goose; Color Tag Relay Race, Dodge Ball and Partner Tag. | |
Reading | Bob Jones | The reading program coincides with the phonics that we teach. Together the reading and phonics program help the child not only learn the special sounds of the English language, but also how to apply the special sounds. Children entering 1st grade should have a minimum basic reading level. Children are placed in groups according to their level. |
Science & Health | Bob Jones | This class explores God’s world with a focus on weather, seasons and animals. Safety, basic hygiene habits and health regimens are also learned. |
Spelling | Saxon | The spelling curriculum is used in conjunction with the Bob Jones phonics program. It is an aggressive program that enables students to spell words that have consonant blends as well as prefixes and suffixes. It also teaches the use of “word families” in spelling. |
Writing | Handwriting without Tears | The method that we use for handwriting is D’Nealian. This form of writing makes the transition from printing to cursive fairly simple. |
In second grade, students cover addition and subtraction facts and basic operations in addition and subtraction. They learn about sentence structure and nouns, verbs, pronouns, and adjectives. In reading, the focus is on silent reading skills with an emphasis on phonetics and comprehension.
Second Grade Curriculum Overview
Subject | Curriculum | Description |
Art | An introduction to the basic art elements: line, shape, color, and texture. Lesson plans allow students to experiment with a variety of mediums while creating both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional projects. Student knowledge and creativity is enhanced by lessons in art appreciation and art history. Classroom emphasis is on projects that are enjoyable as well as God honoring. | |
Bible | ACSI | Bible class for second graders consists of an in-depth study of the life of Moses. |
Computer | Students continue learning typing, opening and closing programs, cut and paste, and basic computer functions. | |
History | A Beka | We discuss the American flag, patriotic holidays and patriotic songs. We continue to study Indians, The separatists, colonists, pioneers, and today’s Americans. |
Language | Bob Jones | The student will learn all about sentence structure as well as grammar consisting of nouns, verbs, pronouns and adjectives. The workbook also deals with the writing process, dealing with stories, instructions, poetry, book reports, letters, and descriptive paragraphs. |
Math | A Beka | Second grade math covers addition and subtraction facts 0-18, telling time, money, fractions, measurement, simple geometry, place value and graphs. Students will learn how to add and subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping. Story problems are used to develop critical thinking skills while using the concepts taught. |
Music | MacMillan | This course emphasizes the development of tonal & rhythmic memory, & a continue development in the understanding of the rudiments of music including recognition of the treble clef and note names. This will be accomplished through singing, listening, playing, classroom instruction and other fun musical activities. |
Physical Education | The 2nd graders play basic games to help develop abilities in sports play. Students will play; Relay Races, Dodge Ball, Partner Tag, Kickball, Time Bomb and Freeze Tag. | |
Reading | Bob Jones & Saxon Phonics | The second grade reading program develops silent reading skills with a strong emphasis on phonics and comprehension. The readers are composed of folktales, plays, biographies, poetry, fiction and nonfiction stories that foster good reading skills. |
Science & Health | Bob Jones | |
Spanish | Students continue learning the basics in Spanish throughout the year through songs, games and activities. | |
Spelling | Saxon | Second grade spelling incorporates phonics rules into each week’s lesson. Workbook pages familiarize the student with the list words and their meanings and uses. |
Writing | Handwriting without Tears | The method that we use for handwriting is D’Nealian. This form of writing makes the transition from printing to cursive fairly simple. |
Our third graders’ understanding of sentence structure and nouns and verbs are put to use as they learn other parts of speech. Their reading skills turn toward improving comprehension. Third graders also learn the multiplication facts and the addition and subtraction of four digit numbers.
Third Grade Curriculum Overview
Subject | Curriculum | Description |
Art | An introduction to the basic art elements: line, shape, color and texture. Lesson plans allow students to experiment with a variety of mediums while creating both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional projects. Students’ knowledge and creativity are enhanced by lessons in art appreciation an art history. Classroom emphasis is on projects that are enjoyable as well as God honoring. | |
Bible | Positive Action | In Bible class we will study the character qualities of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and Daniel. Students will learn biblical principles through scripture memory and Bible study and how to apply these principles to their lives. |
Computer | Students will increase their typing skills, learn the basics of Word, basic graphing in Excel and understand Internet usage. | |
History | A Beka | A survey of American history from a Christian perspective through biographies of great Americans. The curriculum emphasizes patriotism, character development, and the variety of contributions made by Americans to this country. |
Language | Bob Jones | Upon entering 3rd grade students should have a good understanding of sentence structure and be able to identify nouns and verbs. Third graders will learn to express themselves clearly and creatively in written and spoken communication. We will continue working with nouns and verbs, and learn other parts of speech such as adjectives and pronouns, proper word usage, and identifying the subject, predicate, and object of a sentence. |
Math | A Beka | Upon entering 3rd grade students need to have a good understanding of addition, subtraction, place value. They should have some exposure to multiplication. The curriculum in third grade will be adding and subtracting up to 4 digit numbers. The multiplication facts and multiplying of 3-digit numbers will be covered up to 12 x 12 and division with dividends up to the hundreds place will be covered as well. Other areas covered will be: estimating, reading/writing of numbers up to 999,999, identifying numbers to the hundred-thousands place, U.S. & metric measurements, time concepts, adding and subtracting money, interpreting graphs, charts and tables, fractions, geometry and making predictions. |
Music | MacMillan | Music 3 is the continuation of the general music curriculum. This course features continued development of the rudiments of music, rhythmic and tonal memory, and rhythmic and tonal independence. These skills are further developed. Through the introduction of singing, listening, playing classroom percussion instruments and other musical activities will also be implemented. |
Physical Education | This grade introduces students to the fundamentals of volleyball, soccer, basketball and floor hockey and working together as a team. | |
Reading | Bob Jones | In the 1st semester we will develop phonetic and comprehension materials designed to teach and strengthen reading skills and develop Christian character. The 2nd semester will emphasize comprehension skills and review phonics generalization skills and expand structural analysis skills as well. |
Science & Health | Bob Jones | Students will learn about themselves, the plant world, vertebrates, invertebrates, the desert, ocean, pond, forest, farmer’s field, and weather through reading, discussion, and experimentation. Fourth quarter will focus on Health. The purpose is to stimulate student’s interest in health, safety, and manners. This short course should teach students about the body that God has given to them and how to care for it properly. |
Spanish | Students continue learning basic vocabulary in Spanish along with basic phrases and sentences. | |
Spelling | ACSI | Third graders will learn phonetic and spelling skills such as sound-letter relationships, visual memory, and word meanings. |
Fourth-grade students put their writing skills to use, learning to write good sentences while using proper punctuation and capitalization. In reading, the curriculum emphasizes independent reading for comprehension. Students also develop skills in multiplying three digits, long division, and the English and metric measurement systems.
Fourth Grade Curriculum Overview
Subject | Curriculum | Description |
Art | Students will enhance their knowledge of the basic art elements while experimenting with the additional elements of value and space. Students will experiment with a variety of mediums while creating both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional projects. Knowledge and creativity will be enhanced by lessons in art appreciation and art history. Classroom emphasis is on projects that are enjoyable as well as God honoring. | |
Bible | Bob Jones | This workbook-type curriculum has a strong emphasis placed on character development with practical lessons enabling the students to make life-changing decisions. The students will be studying lessons from both the Old and New Testaments, including the life of Christ, gaining factual and practical knowledge of God’s word. One or two verses are required to be memorized per week, as well as a ten-question quiz, covering the week’s lesson. |
Computer | Students increase typing skills, learn Internet safety, research online, work extensively in Word and elements of Excel. | |
History | A Beka | In fourth grade we focus on U. S. history, geography, and map study skills. Students will learn about early explorers, colonial America, missionaries, various wars, the growth of our nation, and how the Bible influenced the founders of our country. Students will review world facts about continents and oceans, identify major countries of Europe and learn geographical terms. Students will identify and spell all 50 states and capitals. |
Language | Bob Jones | Our language curriculum concentrates on two main areas. In the ‘writing process’, students learn to write good sentences, using proper punctuation and capitalization. In grammar we will learn to identify and diagram parts of speech including nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions. |
Math | A Beka | Students must know multiplication/division facts up to 12 upon entering fourth grade. Concepts taught in the 4th grade are 3 digit multiplication, long division, story problems, English and metric measure, measurement equation, Roman numerals, fractions, decimals, algebraic equations and geometry. |
Music | MacMillan | Music 4 is the continuation of the general music curriculum. This course features continued development of the rudiments of music, rhythmic and tonal memory, and rhythmic and tonal independence. In addition, two part vocal music is emphasized, recorder playing begins and students will learn to write rhythm charts. |
Physical Education | This grade introduces students to the fundamentals of volleyball, soccer, basketball and floor hockey and working together as a team. | |
Reading | Bob Jones | Fourth grade reading emphasizes reading for comprehension. Students will read independently and respond to questions, which evaluate recall and higher-level comprehension skills of interpretation, critical thinking, and contrasting. Other components of the reading program are oral reading, vocabulary building, speed-reading and outside reading of books. One book report each month. |
Science & Health | Bob Jones | This book, “Understanding God’s World” presents science concepts from a Biblical perspective. We study plants, animals, matter, energy, earth and space. Students are motivated to learn because the curriculum focuses on things they can see, explore, and understand within the context of their world. Projects, Field Trips and video recordings will be used to gain real-life experiences and to further enhance learning. During the last quarter, we study health concepts of physical fitness, personal hygiene, and interpersonal relationships. |
Spanish | Students build on their vocabulary. | |
Spelling | ACSI | Students Entering 4th grade must understand the phonetic principles of our language. Students will be required to learn 25 words per week. Sound-letter relationships will be covered. |
Language instruction for fifth-grade students is designed to help students develop their grammar skills and practice the writing process. In reading, students build oral, comprehension, and vocabulary skills. Fifth-grade mathematics focuses on the value of place values of whole numbers and decimals as well as further development of multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.
Fifth Grade Curriculum Overview
Subject | Curriculum | Description |
Art | Students will review and expand on art elements and principles and be able to identify and incorporate them in artwork. Students will demonstrate ability to work with a variety of tools while using a variety of techniques. Students will identify different artists or styles and identify tools and techniques in artwork. They will also be able to use appropriate vocabulary to describe art | |
Bible | Positive Action | This course is designed to give the student a foundation in the Old Testament. Major people and events are studied in context. Understanding biblical principles and applying those principles to life is the goal. Students learn to use good judgment as it applies to their lives. Every week students are required to memorize scripture and to find what that scripture means to them. |
Computer | Students increase typing skills, research online, master all operations in Google Drive and Google Classroom. | |
History | A Beka | Heritage Studies 5 is part of a developmental social studies program used to teach history, geography, government, economics, and culture skills as well as the knowledge of God and Christian character. Topics are presented from a biblical perspective. |
Language | Bob Jones | Instruction in this course is designed to help students develop their grammar and writing process. English 5 studies traditional grammar and guides students through the step-by-step use of the Writing Process for a variety of writing assignments, such as compare-contrast essays, persuasive business letters, research reports, and more. The student worktext provides guided practice, independent practice, chapter reviews, and cumulative reviews. The elementary English educational materials provide a good balance of grammar and writing instruction. |
Math | A Beka | Fifth grade students will learn about decimals, Roman Numerals, addition & subtraction, multiplication, geometry, division, equations, time & measurement, integers, rations, proportions & percents, data & graphs, and more. Integrated with a Christian worldview, word problems, short sidebar segments, "career-link" profiles, and other content provides a connection to the students' world and context for abstract math skills. |
Music | MacMillan | Lessons are a continuation of the general music curriculum. This course emphasizes the continued development of the rudiments of music through singing, playing classroom instruments, listening, and other related activities. A unit on patriotic music will be presented. Recital days will be implemented to teach concert etiquette to both performers and audience members. Students will continue to play the recorder. Two and three part vocal music is implemented with the emphasis on learning to ‘navigate’ through sheet music. |
Physical Education | The fundamentals of volleyball, soccer, basketball and floor hockey will be reinforced from previous years but at a faster advanced pace. Students will be encouraged to be positive sportsmen. | |
Reading | Bob Jones | This course includes oral reading, compression, and vocabulary building. We cover library skills, cause & effect, inferring facts and details, drawing conclusions, main idea in a paragraph, outlines, and character attitudes. But most important is the Biblical truths in each of the stories and how we can apply the lessons in our daily lives. |
Science & Health | A Beka | Science 5 explores God’s creation in a study of minerals and rocks, fossils, matter and heat, sound and light, weather, ecosystems, and the respiratory and circulatory systems. Students develop science process skills by participating in hands-on activities and projects. The Science 5 student text provides fascinating scientific information through understandable text, charts, diagrams, and colorful photographs and illustrations. The student text also contains detailed instructions for all experiments, activities, and projects |
Spanish | Students continue learning and reviewing basic vocabulary throughout the year by singing, praying, reading, writing, and interacting while using sentences with adjectives. | |
Spelling | ACSI | This course is designed to review all basic phonics principles and spelling generalizations with a special focus on exceptions. There is particular emphasis on the ‘r’ controlled vowels, the use of the schwa and syllabication. Vocabulary development and Bible integration is a focus as well. Workbook pages incorporate the following skills; use of words in context, studies of word origins, addition of prefixes & suffixes, expanding forms of words, parts of speech, and dictionary skills. |
In this significant transition year, students’ understanding of the eight parts of speech is enriched and strengthened. Our reading curriculum uses the reading of good literature to teach moral values through modeling. Comprehension and critical thinking skills are practiced. Our math curriculum emphasizes accuracy, speed, and the development of higher level thinking skills through traditional teaching methods.
Sixth Grade Curriculum Overview
Subject | Curriculum | Description |
Art | Students will review and expand on art elements and principles and be able to identify and incorporate them in artwork. Students will demonstrate ability to work with a variety of tools while using a variety of techniques. Students will identify different artists or styles, and identify tools and techniques in artwork. They will also be able to use appropriate vocabulary to describe art. | |
Bible | Positive Action | The 6th grade Bible curriculum consists of the study of God’s principles and how they have an effect on our daily lives. Students are challenged by Old & New Testament accounts to live a better life for Christ. This course also includes a study of the book of Revelation. Weekly Bible verses are memorized and hidden in students’ hearts. |
Computer | Students increase typing skills, research online, master all operations in Google for Education. | |
History | Bob Jones | Heritage Studies 6 Christian School Educational Materials This Heritage Studies engages students to think like Christian historians with the awareness that the field of historians is an open pathway. The course covers ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas in addition to building skills in reading, critical reading, comparing and contrasting worldview concepts through essay writing, and interpreting maps and charts. Students will focus on the theme of the Creation, Fall, Redemption, and they will learn to recognize it in ancient civilizations. |
English | Bob Jones | This English text is a balance of grammar and writing practices. Using the Writing Process students plan, draft, revise, proofread, and publish eight different types of writing: compare-contrast essays, newspaper editorials, personal narratives, instructions, historical fiction, limericks, free verse, research reports, and cover letters for submitting work to a publisher. |
Math | Bob Jones | This math course will help students through the transition between elementary and secondary math, reviewing previously taught concepts and introducing new ones. Included are: fractions, decimals, percentages, measurement, statistics, algebraic equations, and integers. |
Music | MacMillan | Grade 6 music is the continuation of the General Musical Program. This class emphasizes the utilization of the rudiments of music in “making music". Vocal independence (part singing) will be emphasized, along with part writing for classroom percussion instruments. Additional, listening activities with the intent of recognizing the works of several Major composers will be presented (e.g., Vivaldi, Mozart, etc.) |
Physical Education | This course prepares students to excel in the sports from their previous grades and takes their knowledge onto a higher level. Christian attitude and positive sportsmanship is always the basis of physical education. | |
Reading | Bob Jones |
Our curriculum understands the value of reading good literature, reading something that teaches values through story examples. The stories are well written with character-building themes and Biblical principles. Comprehension questions are used to practice critical thinking by encouraging students to recall important facts, see relationships, make evaluations, and build concentration. Vocabulary lists are given to enlarge speaking vocabulary and aid in reading comprehension. Oral reading is used to improve flow, expression, and develop speaking skills. Classic literature is also integrated. These classics provide a foundational exposure to essential themes/stories. 3 Novels-Class Reading: Hatchet, The Hiding Place, Walk Two Moons Supplemental: Scholastic Reading, other short novels, Accelerated Reader, etc. |
Science | Bob Jones | Science 6 increases students’ appreciation of God’s wonderful creation through a study of various concepts about earth science, life science, physical science, and the human body. |
Spanish | Students continue learning and reviewing basic vocabulary throughout the year by singing, praying, reading, writing, and interacting while using sentences with adjectives. | |
Spelling | ACSI | Spelling words given are on a seventh grade level. There is a focus on words with vowel diagraphs (ee, ea, ou…), prefixes and suffixes and syllabication. Review lessons are given every five lessons. Rote skills, oral drills, and written drills are used to master spelling. The goal is to spell correctly in daily writing – not just in spelling exercises. |
Challenging Students to... Practice Their Faith
Progressive Curriculum
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Engaging Programs
We provide students the opportunity to discover learning outside of the classroom walls. Some participate in spelling bees, speech meets, math olympics, Lego robotics, or science fairs. Others use their athletic talents in 5th and 6th-grade volleyball, wrestling, soccer, cheerleading, cross country/track, football, or basketball. Musicians can develop their talents in our acclaimed orchestras and bands.
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